Latisse in Jacksonville, FL

Latisse is one of the latest trends in cosmetic procedures and eyelash enhancement. The Latisse treatment works to grow eyelashes longer, thicker and darker, enhancing their appearance.
Latisse impacts the eyelash hair growth cycle. The growth cycle is increased and more eyelashes are produced during the cycle. Results can be seen within two months after a patient begins to use Latisse. The FDA has approved the use of Latisse for hypotrichosis.
Clay Eye Physicians and Surgeons will work closely with you to determine if Latisse is the right treatment you. If you suffer from eye pressure, problems or are taking medications for eye pressure then you should not use Latisse. Patients with risks for glaucoma should not use Latisse. Tests with Latisse have shown the potential side effects of itching, eye irritation, dryness or redness of eyelids. If you are using Latisse and experience any of these symptoms, then you should contact your doctor.
Latisse is applied once nightly by the patient. You should wash your face, remove all excess makeup and take out your contact lenses before applying the solution. Use the applicator to gently apply the solution from the inside to the outside of the eyelashes. Once Latisse is applied, you may then dispose of the applicator.
If you are interested in learning more about Latisse or want to find out if you are a candidate, please contact Clay Eye Physicians and Surgeons at 904-272-2020. The physicians at Clay Eye are expertly trained in the anatomy of the eye, and specialize in several cosmetic treatments meant to enhance how our patient’s eyes look and feel.